Monday, January 31, 2011

Artist Statement

I create art mostly because it's something I enjoy doing. To me, art means expressing yourself, which is another reason why I create art. Things that inspire are usually quite random. I don't really have anything that I feel really strongly about and inspires me; I can feel inspired by anything from nature to friends/family to random everyday objects. Outside of doing Photo 1 and 2 in school, the work I've done is so far is taking pictures for fun, primarily to remember the good times from a concert, vacation, or special event. I'm not quite sure what kind of work I want to do this semester, but I would like to make things that were inspired by something.

For my artist analysis, I chose Ralph Clevenger. His photos are about nature, animals, humans, etc. I would say he is a digital photographer and probably uses some sort of photoshop techniques on his photos to make them look even better. Overall, I really like his photos because although a lot of the subjects are quite simple, the colors and camera angles make them look better/more interesting.

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